Friday, May 29, 2015

Blog assignment 1!

I am taking the Teaching Online Open Learning class in order to teach online classes for my school system.  I have long been interested in online education and have used several open learning sites extensively to further my own education and to help teach my students during the past couple of years.  Specifically, I have used MIT OCW and EdX.  Recently, my sister-in-law was using a similar open education site to study finance, just for fun.  I believe that open source educational materials should be widely available and used by anyone who wishes to learn!  That said, I am excited to become a member of the TOOL community.

I made my 'blog for the class through Blogger (as you can see if you are reading this).  It was quick and easy, though being in a rush, I put the title of my first post as the title of my blog.  Oh well, "My first blog post" blog has a nice ring to it.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

My first web log entry!

I've never posted a web log entry before.  Well, at least not since a failed political campaign.  I was before my time.  I know that this is a boring entry, but I promise that great things are to come.