Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Roles and functions in an online learning environment

As a soon to be teacher of an online class, it is important that I understand the different roles within that environment.  These include students, teachers, facilitators, administrators, course developers, and parents.

I will focus my post here on the roles that will be most important to me.

Teacher - as a teacher of an online course, my job is to present material, answer questions, give assignments, and provide feedback that allow my students to master the desired material.  This requires creation of material by me and use of others materials in an organized way.

Course developer- I will be teaching AP Environmental Science online this year.  The course has been developed by the College Board, but there is a lot of leeway in how it is taught by the teacher.  I will use the course developed by the College Board, but in some sense, I will be the course developer as well.

Students - As in any learning environment, students and student learning shall be the focus of the course.  They will review course material, complete assignments, ask appropriate questions, and hopefully master the material.  At the end of the course, I also want them to provide feedback to me about the course so that I can improve it in the future.

Facilitator/administrator - I put these roles together, because for me that will be fulfilled from a common location - the county schools central office.  Our technology specialist determines the LMS and SIS that we use.  I will be using Moodle as my learning management system and Powerschool as our student information system.

Parents - Parents shall be able to keep up with their students progress online.  Additionally, as a teacher, I will make efforts to ensure that parents are aware of how their students are performing.

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