Sunday, August 9, 2015

Learning Management System Reporting - Analytics

In my Moodle training this summer, there was some mention of analytics, but it was not a focus of the course.  Honestly, until getting to this assignment on TOOL, I hadn't even thought about it, but I'm glad I did.  There are a number of options for tracking and analyzing student performance with Moodle.  I can try to explain them, but honestly, I can't do better than this video.

This is the video that I watched to explore analytics.  As I watched it, I tried out the features myself.  I'm just a few days into my course, but by checking the participants I could see their times of last log-in.  Most of them seem to be working hard and had accessed Moodle over the weekend (today is Sunday).  That tells me that they are working.  However, one student had not accessed the course in over three days.  That tells me that not only is he not working over the weekend, but that he didn't do anything in school on Friday either!

Some of the things covered in the video I have not tried yet.  I will use these analytic tools.  My first assignment for the course is due tomorrow.  So, at that point I can start analyzing grades and tie it back to views of various activities.

The analytics that I am using so far are student level - I want to see what the students are doing as well as how they are doing.

I will soon start doing course analytics to see what activities are getting multiple views.  This will let me know what students thing is effective based on where they are spending their time.

I will also use this to evaluate the course.  I will decide what activities are most effective and cull those that seem ineffective.

I'm not yet ready for program level analytics, but will become more interested as the year progresses.

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