Thursday, November 19, 2015

Locating resources

For this activity, I am supposed to use a topic previously selected.  I have no idea what that topic was - so I'll just use my next topic in AP Environmental science, which is the tragedy of the commons.

The phrase "tragedy of the commons" was coined by Garrett Hardin in his 1968 article of the same name.

Here is a link to Hardin's full article.  It is copyrighted material.

Tragedy of the Commons

On the side bar to this article, there is a place to specifically request permission to use this article.  You can see it by following the link below.

Rights and Permissions

However, for classroom use this should not be necessary.  I should be able to use excerpts of this material under Fair Use and to use the article in its entirety under the TEACH act as long as I let my students know that the material is copyrighted and I only use the material for educational purpose.

In teaching tragedy of the commons, I may want to use images both of the name and to illustrate the principle.  I found a couple of images about "tragedy of the commons" available in creative commons by using and advanced Google search.

This image illustrates tragedy of the commons as the sheep have overgrazed the land.  The image comes from a Wikipedia article on grazing rights.

Here is a cartoon image illustrating tragedy of the commons.  it is from flickr.

Here is a video that I found using an OER Commons search.  You will see that the link is from OER commons.

Tragedy of the commons video

Finally, here is a link to an Environmental Science book available through open stacks.  It is linked to a section on environmental ethics which includes a section on "tragedy of the commons."

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