Monday, April 25, 2016

Self reflection quest

I am far from a perfect teacher.  I consider myself to be a good teacher, but there is always room for improvement.  For me, this is definitely true when it comes to teaching online.

This is my first year teaching an online course.  I am teaching AP Environmental Science Online for Floyd County Schools.  First, I will reflect on the few things that I have done well this year.

First, throughout the course, I made videos explaining various topics.  I think the presentation of the videos is clear and concise.  Here is an example video where I explain the Coriolis Effect and Prevailing Winds.

While I think my presentation of information is done well, there is plenty of room for improvement.  Both the video and audio quality are low as I simply shot these with an old digital camera and uploaded them to Youtube. The beginning and the end of the video could also use a little cropping.  This is something simple that I could do with the Youtube video editor, but like most teachers, I felt rushed for time throughout the semester and felt I could skip it.

Second, at times during the semester I felt that I did a good job of providing follow up feedback when students were having difficulty with parts of the subject.  One thing that students struggle with in a live or an online classroom with AP Environmental science is doing math calculations without a calculator.  Along the way in the semester, I assigned the students work an AP DBQ (data based question).  They did poorly with this assignment because of weak math skills and failure to show their work.  Here is the assignment.

As previously stated, the students did very poorly on this first math free response question.  I immediately made a video to give them feedback.  Here is the video.
This video addressed many of the problems the students had and I know at least one of them found it helpful as I got an email response from her telling me how much it helped.  Unfortunately, I think I permanently deleted this email; so you'll have to take my word for it.

Now to reflect on parts of my online teaching that need improvement.

Synchronous sessions - I did a very poor job of hosting synchronous sessions this semester.  There were two reasons for this.  One, I was not that comfortable with the platform that I was using to give the sessions (Google Hangouts).  More importantly though, my students were scheduled for their classes at different times throughout the day and at different locations.  To get them all to a synchronous session at the same time, I had to require a time outside of school.  Kids schedules are all different after school too with sports, work, etc.  At any rate, I was never able to get the majority of my students to even attend the few sessions that I had.  

I will make the synchronous sessions a more important part of the class next time and to increase participation, I will wet a time upfront and require student participation.  I will tie this their grade in order to encourage participation.  They will have a certain number of acceptable misses, but they will have to make up those misses by watching a recording of the synchronous session and leaving comments.

Individualized path to learning - As I built my course this year, I designed lessons to teach the desired material, but I did not allow for individual learning paths.  Next year, I will do a better job of that.   I will individualize learning paths two different ways.  

1 - on quizzes and tests, I will use the Moodle feedback option to give general and specific feedback.  In these I will include links to material to help reteach material for those students who missed the questions.  I have started to do this some.  Here is an example.

I know that is still too small to read easily, but what it shows is a question with the individual answer choices.  Each choice has feedback.  Here is a screenshot of the most important part - general feedback with a link to a video to reteach what a student may have missed.
2 - I will prepare individual modules for students that need further instruction, either remediation or enrichment, and will selectively release those to only certain groups of students.

I could reflect on my learning experiences more, but I think this gives a sufficient representation of my self-reflection, noting what I did well and where I need improvement.

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